a. Participation is free and voluntary; it requires no cost but only online subscription.
b. Author must authorize by an “exposure form” publication of photos or other information that will always remain his/her owned property.
c. The EDS site works as a container of experiences about ectoparasitosis to facilitate their retrieval and to encourage contact among lovers of this science. There are not commercial interests.
d. The site aims to promote creation of a data-bank regarding clinical and dermoscopic images on dermatitis caused by parasites to enlarge/to complement horizons of each researcher.
e. The product of each author is always considered even if it describes items already posted on the site by others because every contribution is considered "unique and specific information”.
f. Participation is open both to those who regularly studies these topics (dermatologists, hygienists, infectious disease specialists, entomologists, etc..) both to those who may occasionally come into contact with situations of some interest for parasitology.
g. EDS site allows the navigators two types of consultation:
1. After registration: they access from thumbnails (preview) to medium size images (photogallery) each accompanied by a clinical and instrumental datasheet. The photos will be protected against unauthorized use by “EDS” logo and author’s name embedded inside. This option is advisable when picture have a very special interest for the author who wants members only be able to watch and read his/her item.
2. Free access: they access from thumbnail to medium size picture and full datasheet without any registration. Pictures remain anyway protected by EDS watermark and author name inside. This option is suggested when picture doesn’t contain special information or if author desires no limit for reading.
EDS encourages this format. In both cases if visitor needs full image has to click on “Request here for high resolution picture” button. Request will be send to author/s.
h. Reader can contact directly any author to ask for photo and/or other information.
i. Integration and skills exchange it is the primary objective of EDS website.
j. A dedicated section of the site manages preliminary stages of contact among members.
k. Images quality of photo gallery should be sufficient for a good read. Lower quality photos can be accepted only if they document particulars difficult to retrieve.
l. Acceptance of the photos is subject to the discretion of EDS evaluation
m. Gallery will also be able to host film documents regarding entodermoscopy.
n. Atlas Project. Photos more appropriate to description of the entodermatosis world will be selected to be part, with author permission, of a printed or e-book atlas.
Authorization form for exhibition of photos and other information on EDS website (www.entodermoscopy.net)
The undersigned (name)... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. Author of photos, film or other media, under his/her own name, sent on (date) .... \....\ ..... declares:
1. to publish his/her scientific material on EDS accepting rules and purposes mentioned in the EDS site (philosophy, rules for participation section)
2. to authorize EDS site to display photos or other media without requiring any compensation
3. to consider sufficient that own intellectual property is guaranteed by the Author's name imprinted inside image in its lower part, as well as in Photogallery datasheet commentary
4. to agree that photographs contain the "EDS" distinctive logo overprinted in the center of picture
5. to share pictures with other EDS subscribed Authors under his/her own responsibility, notifying it to EDS
6. to raise EDS from any responsibility for improper use of images and/or texts by third parties
Date ...\....\..... Signature
Copy and send to: gaetano.scanni@alice.it
Photo gallery datasheet
Title: Author/s:
Clinical data
-Clinical description:
-Dermoscopic description:
Technical data
-Liquid interface:
Author data
-Date of the photo:
-Author/s name:
-Place of work: